4. Heavy Issue: Exceeded Weight Limits

The heavier the package, the more likely a transportation damage. That's a well-known saying in fulfillment. But there are also precisely defined limits. Many service providers transport only up to a certain weight limit (usually around 30 kg) for occupational safety reasons. Often, the only option then is shipping via a freight carrier, which comes with significant additional costs. 

Our Solution: Detailed and Personalized Consultation

An experienced fulfillment service provider knows from experience exactly what's feasible and how to do it. They are aware of the guidelines set by the service providers and those of individual countries for international shipments. They will also be straightforward with you if something isn't possible. While this might be momentarily frustrating (it is for us too!), imagine if you had sent out 100 packages that all come back because they are a kilogram too heavy... It has happened before, and we have found an efficient solution. 


Ein Lieferant hält ein Ipad, im Hintergrund befinden sich Kartons und ein Lieferwagen.